6th Institutional Investment Forum China

audience profile

Regulatory developments have enabled Chinese institutions to invest overseas more freely. The Chinese government has signaled its willingness to cater for increased investments outside of the country, presenting significant opportunities for Chinese investors. Yet challenges to Chinese institutions remain. Tight capital controls, geopolitical uncertainty and global market volatility, as well as opaque application processes for overseas investment create difficulties for Chinese institutions, from government pension funds to insurance firms and endowments to family offices.
The Institutional Investment Forum China comes at a time where meaningful economic liberalisation is ongoing in China, both outbound and inbound, and will bring together major Chinese institutions, regulators and domestic and international asset managers to discuss how, in wake of global forces, Chinese investors can successfully allocate capital overseas, both in traditional investments and alternatives. The event will focus on the changing regulatory environment of investing overseas and bring in global experts who will showcase diversified global investment opportunities.
The event will focus on the regulatory environment for Chinese institutions and the overseas opportunities currently available to them, and how they can most effectively partner with foreign managers.
- Discover the latest market-changing developments.
- Meet your institutional investor peers and share their experience and insight.
- Learn how regulatory developments will make it easier for you to allocate capital overseas.
- Understand how geopolitical developments will affect your portfolio
- Harness the knowledge of your fellow investment professionals

A limited number of paid tickets to attend are available to representatives of professional institutional investors, fund distributors and local asset managers .
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2019 testimonials

“The event in Beijing was very successful and I am grateful to be invited to speak on the stage. It was great!”
Benjamin Deng
Group chief investment officer
China Pacific Insurance Group

“It was a great conference and I have learned a lot from other speakers.”
Jie Zhang
General manager of the asset management
Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance (China)